Carrie Virusso
Receptionist/Staff Assistant
Office of the President and Provost

A table lamp whose base is white and reminds a fountain with two pigeons, one on each side. The lamp’s hat is made of stained glass, brightly colored with light green, green, and azure, and with a baby pink water lily flower in the middle. Clear hexagonal little crystals are hanging perimetrically at the bottom edge of the hat.

Stained Glass Lily Lamp

Traditional copper foil/lead stained glass

Stained glass lampshade with floating water lily flowers


Part of a window hosts a rectangle stained glass with six colorful flower buds of three different kinds of plants. The rectangle is framed by a yellow line with scarce light blue and golden squares that are also glass-stained.

Stained Glass Egyptian Bouquet

Traditional copper foil/lead stained glass

Contemporary 15″ x 20″ stained glass panel depicting a colorful Egyptian bouquet

Artist Statement

I adore stained glass. I love the way that way it absorbs light and then casts it about in wild abandon. It’s dramatic. It’s emotional. It’s an artform that uses color to create even more color. So, I work with glass to make my world brighter.

School / Unit

Central Administration