Hilary Marcus
Senior Organization Development Consultant and Coach
Center for Workplace Development

White wisps of cirrus clouds sweep upwards into a blue sky, taking up most of the vertical landscape at Ogunquit Beach. The sand and water, and some distance walkers fill up the bottom 1/8 of the shot, with white caps in the distance.

Beach breath


Two days after the atrocities in southern Israel, I packed up for the beach to find oxygen away from screens and terror.


Horizontal image with four layers. The dark clouds at sunset have some grey breaks at the top, with a black layer of hilltop just below, then pond with reflection of the clouds, and finally dark waters on the bottom of the frame. Red and white lights dot the right half of one layer, where car headlights shine in the distance, across the pond.

Dark Times


Darkening sky over Jamaica Pond as the war between Israel and Hamas goes into week 2.

Artist Statement

Former photojournalist, turned cell phone photographer, love to observe my surroundings in detail.



LinkedIn: Hilary Marcus


Central Administration