Patricia Morfin
Legal Assistant
Office of the General Counsel

A young girl with long hair and eyes closed, with tears in her eyes. She's resting on a couch in her living room,  it appears that she is swinging, floating on the clouds. Her face shows she is dreaming and hopeful.


Gouache, Acrylic, and Pastels on Canvas


This is an ugly duck like figure with white feathers, and orange hair, wearing an earing in her human ears, her body resembles a reptile with only one leg, green in color, and her skin is scaly. Her somewhat like heart is black and bleeding,  detached from her chest, broken into pieces, dropping down to the ground. There are letterings on the painting, the paragraph one on top of the page is written in Spanish and says: "Soy una Elitista". The second one placed on the right side of the page is written in English and it reads: "I am an Elitist. I Quack & Lie!".

“The snob is out-of-touch”

Gouache and Ink on Newsprint paper

Artist Statement

I paint to express my feelings as a way of connecting with other humans. For I believe all humans feel the same; we all feel love, we all dare to dream, and sometimes, we detest those who wronged us.

School / Unit

Central Administration