The "Shawls of the Hall of Supreme Harmony's Eaves" is a beautifully handcrafted crochet shawl, drawing inspiration from the iconic architecture of the Hall of Supreme Harmony located within the Forbidden City in Beijing. The shawl begins with a serene blue at the top, representing the expansive sky above the historic site. This transitions into a rich gold section, symbolizing the roof tiles, which are a distinctive feature of the hall's grandeur. Below, the shawl explodes into a spectrum of brilliant colors, each reflecting the vividly adorned eaves of the hall, known for their intricate and colorful designs. The overall effect is a striking representation of the hall's visual splendor, transformed into a wearable piece of art. This shawl, following a pattern from the Chinese yarn company Susan’s Family, weaves together cultural heritage and handcrafting tradition.

by Xiaomeng Han


Crochet shawl inspired by Beijing’s Hall of Supreme Harmony with sky blue, golden roof tiles, and vibrant colors mirroring the ornate eaves. A wearable piece of art blending cultural heritage with yarn craft.