Artwork title: Coming Distractions

Artist: David Kroll

This video is of duration 2 minutes 12 seconds. The video clips were obtained from, and the instrumental soundtrack was composed by me, David Kroll. The video displays the title “Music by David Kroll – Coming Distractions” and starts with the sound mainly of an acoustic guitar repeating a simple phrase, while the video shows movement through woods, as captured by a drone. A violin starts playing, and we see several video clips of violin players. An electric guitar then starts playing, and the video shows someone playing a guitar. What follows is more varied instrumentation, with video clips of various outdoor scenes, both of Nature and of architecture. At the end of the song I return to the drone in the woods shot that started the video, and I show one more clip of the violinists, as the movie and song fade out. The song has a few sections with choir voices singing, but the voices are singing only generic “Ah” sounds, and no specific words. I performed the music on a Yamaha electronic keyboard connected to a Mac computer. Software instruments of my choosing then converted the piano input to a variety of sounds: guitar, violins, bass guitar, drums, choir. Some have said that my music sounds cinematic, such as a movie soundtrack, hence the song title which is a play on the phrase “Coming Attractions”.